
A tool to transform your ubuntu/debian into a billboard


Donwload .DEB Package


In order execute the application call xbillboard-start on a terminal

The boot __main__.py

The boot is used to start the application, initialize the Gtk window and build the interface.

Each screen is a gtk.gtkgl.DrawingArea in opengl mode or a gtk.DrawingArea

The boot also allows to initialize the threads for round Robin screens as well as those for synchronization

Screen Manager Screen.py

Allows you to load the cached files and make a Robin round on the list of compatible files.
the list of compatible file types is PDF JPEG JPG PNG GIF.

Each screen will be displayed during a waiting time defined in the configuration file except for gifs that last the duration of the animation. do not confuse screen and file. a file to contain a set of screens clearly for PDFs: each page is a screen and remains on screen for the time defined in the configuration file.

In case of error on a file (corrupted for example) the logo of xbillboard will be displayed instead for the duration of the waiting time

Sync & cache Sync.py

Each instance will call wget every Delay seconds to check if the file has changed or not. if yes, it will be re-downloaded.

Configuration xbillboard.conf

The configuration file is duplicated during the installation and at each launch of the application if it does not exist.

There is a default configuration file /etc/xbillboard/xbillboard.conf
The configuration file to handle is $HOME/.xbillboard/xbillboard.conf

Sync_DelayThe waiting time between each synchronization attempt in seconds
Screen_DelayThe wait time at each screen second
Sync_DirectoryThe synchronization directory
OpenGLUse of openGl <br> Values : YES / NO
LayoutXNumber of screens in horizontal
LayoutYNumber of screens in vertical
Screen_ListThe list of active screens, separated by a carriage return.<br> The screens must be listed in the following order <br> | 1 | 2 | 3 |<br>| 4 | 5 | 6 \
Screen_MainIdentifier if the main screen
Screen_RotationNumber of rotation before switching screen
Screen_AlignementAlign to inside container <br> Format : VERTICAL::HORIZENTAL <br> VERTICAL Values : TOP / DOWN / CENTER <br> HORIZENTAL Values : LEFT / RIGHT / CENTER
Screen_RatioScreen ratio either to FIT or to STRETCH<br> Values : FIT / STRETCH
FileListThe list of files to display on the screen.<br> the list is separated by carriage returns
DelayThis parameter is an overload of General::Screen_Delay<br> The wait time on the screen in question in seconds
CopyOfAllows to make a copy of another screen
RotationThis parameter is an overload of General::Screen_Rotation<br> Number of rotation before switching screen
AlignementThis parameter is an overload of General::Screen_Alignement<br> Align to inside container <br> Format : VERTICAL::HORIZENTAL <br> VERTICAL Values : TOP / DOWN / CENTER<br> HORIZENTAL Values : LEFT / RIGHT / CENTER
RatioThis parameter is an overload of General::Screen_RatioScreen<br> Screen ratio either to FIT or to STRETCH<br> Values : FIT / STRETCH

Source and PPA Repository :


For Ubuntu add xbillboard daily build ppa :

Install :
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:samirkherraz/xbillboard-stable  
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xbillboard
Run :


For others debian based distros you need to add this line into your sources.list file :

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/samirkherraz/xbillboard-stable/ubuntu <code> main

replace <code> with ubuntu equivalent of your debian



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